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8 Palms for Breathtaking Landscapes

Every commercial space dreams of creating a tropical setting. A getaway designed right into the property often accentuated with elements like coconuts, sand and cocktails, properties achieve this.

However, that’s not all palm trees are for. Palm trees can be incorporated into many different settings bringing the tropical vibe to the most mundane settings. Put it in your indoor gardens, create a rustic and tropical fusion, fill empty spaces and more. 

Here are 8 palm trees for a variety of indoor landscapes.

Neanthe Bella Palm for packed settings 

The plant is perfect for the congested spaces in your commercial property. It can grow only up to three to four feet, hence, space is not a concern. Moreover, it takes the plant several years to reach that height. 

You can place it in the seating area of your property as furniture takes up most of the space. 

The indoor plant should not be kept in direct sunlight or the leaves will start to wither. Place it in partial shade where it gets indirect sunlight. 

You need to water the plant 2 or 3 times a week. 

Kentia palm for your indoor garden

Thinking of an indoor garden? Kentia palm is your pick. The plant is resilient and can survive a variety of conditions. You can place it in an indoor garden in the lobby under a transparent roof. 

This idea is perfect for properties located in colder regions as it allows you to receive some sunshine during the day.

The palm tree cannot survive direct sunlight. So, place it towards the edge of the indoor garden, if you have a skylight or a transparent roof. 

The soil should be moist to ensure proper growth. 

Bamboo palm plant for a complex look

Add some personality to a space with the bamboo palm plant. It is appealing to the eye and practical. 

You can add a ladder to your cafe or restaurant for a rustic look. The twist is that you use the steps of the ladder to stack small potted plants. You can place the bamboo palm around the ladder to create a complex fusion of different styles and heights. You get tall and short plants along with the fusion of rustic and tropical. 

Taking care of the plant is very easy. Water the plant when the soil feels dry. The soil should be evenly moist. Don’t overwater and leave the plant sitting in water. This can cause root rot. 

Rhapis Palm to fill the space

Corners of the rooms are often the hardest to decorate. Any item you place is at the risk of being overseen. Which brings us to the obvious question, is the time and money even worth it?

It is with the rhapis palm. Don’t leave the space unused, rather plant the palm tree to create a grand look. It can grow up to 6ft. tall and 4ft wide, filling empty spaces efficiently.

Place the plant in a spot where it can receive indirect sunlight. These plants also don’t run the risk of any serious pests or diseases. 

Fishtail Palm in your exotic indoor garden 

Create a unique indoor landscape with the fishtail palm. If you want a section of your property dedicated to unique and exotic plants, this plant definitely makes the list.

The leaves are shaped like a jagged fish’s tail providing a lush, green look. You can place it along with other exotic plants like the dracaena margina braid and the glauca plant

These plants complement each other’s heights and textures creating a dual look of uniformity and variety. 

Sago Palm Tree as an accent item 

Sago Palm Tree belongs in private meeting rooms, dining spaces and offices. Any large, confined space can be adorned with this stunning plant. 

The Sago Palm Tree can be a stand alone piece or complemented with other plants. You can place the plant in an accent pot like an orange egg pot to go with the furniture of the room or other plants.

The plant can be toxic to both humans and pets, if ingested. Hence, place a label near it or avoid using it in places frequented by animals. 

Parlor Palm for the tabletops 

The beautiful, deep green foliage of the plant creates a sleek and sophisticated look. You can use it in smaller spaces and place it on tabletops. Place it in black, plastic containers to highlight its foliage. 

The plant needs water once every week. Place it medium to bright indirect light. How often you water the plant can vary as per the light conditions.

Ponytail Palm

The lush, green plant adds texture to any space. The plant has thin, blade-like foliage that cascades down like a pony tail. The ponytail palm belongs in a hanging planter setting. 

Ivies cascade down from high walls, ceiling planters and more. You can add to this look by having this plam on the surface. 

This plant is actually a succulent. It grows best in semi-arid conditions. Hence, let the plant dry out between waterings as it doesn’t like being too wet. 

The eight palm trees can be supplemented with using different varieties and kinds of plants in the same setting. This brings diversity in color and texture. 

You can contact us at Plantscape LIVE to help you with your indoor landscaping. There are many palm trees to pick from and before you make a purchase. 

We can help you with designs and pick the right palm for your setting. We also help with plant installation, maintenance and more.