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10 Best Indoor Plants For Purer Air

In 1989, a NASA study found that some houseplants are good at purifying indoor air. They remove toxic compounds from air like benzene, ammonia and formaldehyde.

Which are these? Take a look at the 10 best indoor plants for purer air, and how you can care for them.

Spider Plants 

One of the best indoor plants for air purification, the Spider Plant is also a thing of beauty. Delicate white and pale green spiky leaves falling gracefully. 

It purifies by eliminating carbon monoxide and benzene from indoor air. It also gives out tons of oxygen. And it is very easy to care for.

Plant Care: Water your Spider Plant two to three times a week. Feed it twice a year with compost or liquid fertilizer.

Aloe Vera

This prickly lovely is a worldwide favorite for purifying indoor air. Apart from having healing properties, Aloe Vera also removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air.

They grow abundantly from small cuttings, so you will always have a huge pot full of this perennial. Truly one of the best air filtering indoor plants.

Plant Care: Water sparsely once a week. Make sure the soil is not moist when watering next. Place it in a sunny place. And watch it grow.


This stunning houseplant is known for removing harmful compounds like benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and carbon monoxide. 

Quite a list, considering it is also beautiful to look at. It propagates from cuttings, so you can have as many as you want when your plant grows bigger.

Plant Care: This plant does well in indirect bright light, but will grow in medium light as well. Water once every two weeks. Do not water if the soil seems moist.

Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are one of the best air purifying plants because they not only eliminate harmful chemicals, but also release oxygen into the air.

It removes benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene effectively. And it's high transpiration rate means that it can humidify and purify indoor air as well.

Not to mention, it's bewitching white flowers are an asset to any indoor space.

Plant Care: Place them in bright but indirect light. Water adequately every second day. Keep soil moist but not wet. Fertilize lightly once a month.


If you like the pop of color that flowers provide instead of leafy greens, Chrysanthemums are the obvious choice for you. 

Mind you, it is only the flowers that purify the air. Yet, they are considered to be one of the best plants to filter air indoors.

They remove ammonia, xylene and carbon monoxide from indoors. And they can make any indoor space brighter in seconds.

Plant Care: Keep the soil moist. Water once every second day. Keep it in direct sunlight for 3 to 4 hours every day. Fertilize right before growing season yearly.


Another one of those versatile plants that Mother Nature must be proud of. Bamboo can clear out traces of trichloroethylene, benzene, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. It is also a natural humidifier since it adds moisture to the air.

Bamboo plants are ideal for large pots and tall spaces. Their dense foliage gives superb coverage as well. 

Plant Care: Give them plenty of water, especially in the summer. Make sure the soil is well drained. These plants can grow well in high to medium light.

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant and its many varieties are all considered to be the best plants to purify air indoors. They remove formaldehyde and benzene from the air while also producing ample oxygen.

The best part about them is that they keep producing oxygen at night, unlike other plants. Its wide, meaty leaves with their distinctive silver markings are sure to add to the beauty of any corner.

Plant Care: Water once every two weeks. Let the soil dry completely between waterings. In the winter season, water once a month. Place the plant in indirect light for best results. 

Rubber Plant

The rubber plant is a versatile plant indeed. Apart from removing harmful compounds and producing oxygen, the plant is also known for removing bacteria and mold spores from the air.

It is also a hardy enough plant that no special care is required. Its striking leaves and pleasant appearance make it a must have for any indoor space.

Plant Care: Water once every week, Make sure soil is dry before watering. In the growing season, keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Fertilize every 6 months. 

Wipe the leaves gently with a wet cloth once every two weeks. 

English Ivy

Airborne toxins are no match for the English Ivy. This plant cleans indoor air by removing compounds such as xylene, toluene, formaldehyde and benzene effectively.

It is also a natural humidifier. And removes molds. Honestly, what else can such a pretty plant do to make you get one? They are ideal for trailing from baskets and climbing the rafters.

Plant Care: It doesn’t need a lot of sunlight, so you can place it almost anywhere. Make sure the soil is well drained. Water only when you see the soil drying up, probably once a week.

Feed it with a liquid fertilizer once a month.


Gerberas or the Gerbera Daisy is not just another pretty flower. These plants are most effective in removing benzene and trichloroethylene from indoor air.

These plants also release oxygen at night, making it one of the best indoor plants for air purification. Needless to say, its large bright flowers are a welcome sight and a great addition to any room.

Plant Care: Water your plants daily. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Place them in a place that receives direct sunlight. Feed compost or liquid fertilizer once every month during the growing season.

Go ahead, invite nature inside and purify your indoor air.