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How to Grow Philodendron Brasil

Popular, easy to grow and drop dead gorgeous, Philodendron Brasil is the perfect ornamental for indoor spaces both business and residential.

Philodendron Brasil is prized for its carefree habit and dark green heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are adorned by splashes of lime green variegation that creates a striking resemblance to Brazil’s national flag. That’s actually what gave the plant its common name—Brasil. 

Heart leaf philodendron is another common name for the plant.

A Few Quick Facts About Philodendron Brasil

Botanical name—Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’


Nativity—South America

Type—Perennial vining plant

Mature plant height—6 to 36 inches

Mature plant spread—12 to 26 inches

Philodendron Brasil plants aren’t known for their flowers. That’s because they don’t usually bloom in indoor conditions. But it is possible for spathes of white and green to appear on your plants in spring/summer. These are Philodendron Brasil flowers.

Tips for Growing Philodendron Brasil Plants

Finding the Right Spot for Philodendron Brasil Plants

Philodendron Brasil plants do best in bright spots that get indirect light. Exposure to direct sun can scorch the plants’ leaves. Too little light can lead to leggy growth—long stems, with too few leaves. 

When looking for the ideal spot for growing Philodendron Brasil, make sure it’s inaccessible to kids and animals. The plants are poisonous to both humans and animals. 

Philodendron poisoning can lead to a burning sensation in the mouth and throat. Swelling in lips and throat, vomiting and diarrhea are other common effects of ingesting Philodendron.

Creating the Ideal Soil Conditions

Philodendron Brasil plants can do reasonably well in standard potting soils. For best results, create a loamy, slightly acidic soil mix with good drainage. 

We’d recommend mixing equal parts of standard potting soil, orchid bark and perlite. Your plant will love it. 

Provide the Right Temperature and Humidity

Philodendrons are native to South America’s tropical rainforests. As such, they relish high humidity. The plants grow large and vigorously in warm, highly humid spaces. 

Make sure your plants aren’t exposed to chilling temperatures. They’re not cold hardy and temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can slow down their growth. Prolonged exposure can even kill them.

Propagating the Plants

You can propagate Philodendron Brasil by stem cuttings. It’s quite easy. Just follow these steps:

The cutting should ideally be 4-5 inches long and have 4-6 leaves on it. Use a pair of clean, sharp pruning shears or scissors to make the cut. Next, remove 2-3 bottom leaves to expose the nodes.

Place the Philodendron stem cutting in water. The exposed nodes should be underwater while the leaves should all be exposed to the air. The container holding the cutting should be placed at a bright spot that gets indirect light. 

New roots can take 2-4 weeks to emerge. These are small, white in color and emerge from the submerged nodes. When the roots are at least one inch long, you can plant the Philodendron cutting in soil.

Use a mix of standard potting soil, orchid bark and perlite for planting Philodendron Basil cutting. You can then move the pot to its original growing location, or a new spot that offers bright, indirect light. 

New plantings take 2-3 weeks to establish. It’s important the soil never dries out during this period. Check on it at regular intervals and water just enough so the soil is moist at all times.

Watering Your Philodendrons

Philodendron plants are particularly sensitive to being overwatered. Make sure they’re never left in standing water or soggy soil. 

Water your plants when the top couple of inches of the soil has dried out. You can check by gently inserting a finger in the soil. If it’s dry, water thoroughly. 

Fertilizing Philodendron Plants

You can fertilize Philodendron plants using a standard liquid fertilizer. Feed the young plants once a month in spring and summer. 

The plants go dormant during the colder months so they shouldn’t be fertilized during fall and winter months.


Spring and early summer are the best times of the year for pruning Philodendron plants. Remove all overgrown or unruly stems. 

Make sure to use a pair of clean, sharp pruning shears. This will reduce the risk of causing injury or infection to the plants.

How to Create a Philodendron Basil Pole?

Everybody loves a Philodendron Basil pole. And everybody can make one themselves. Here’s what you’ll need:

A 4-5 feet long bamboo or wooden pole having a diameter of at least ¾ inch

Half a yard of natural burlap

A pencil

A ruler or tape measure

A pair of scissors. 

Glue gun

A length of wire or twine

Use the ruler and pencil to make a mark on the pole, 7-8 inches from the bottom. This 7-8 inch length will end up under the soil surface to secure the pole within the pot. Next, wrap the burlap tightly around the pole, leaving the bottom 7-8 inches exposed. Use the glue gun to glue the burlap’s edges around the pole.

Wrap a wire or twine in a downward spiral around the pole. Start at an inch from the top and space the spirals 1-1.5 inches apart. Stop an inch from the bottom. Then tie a knot to secure the wire or twine around the pole. 

Carefully push the pole down into the pot so it stands upright. It’s now time to wrap your plant around the pole. Avoid wrapping the plant too close to the pole. Once you’re satisfied with how the plant looks, use a piece of wire to tie the end of the vine to the pole.

If you’re growing Philodendron plants in the right spot and conditions, they won’t require much after care. Just make sure to keep an eye out for common pests. Deal with them proactively and your Philodendrons will continue to beautify your place for years to follow.