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What Are Good Indoor Plants

A reduction in employee stress levels. Higher productivity. Enhanced focus. Better air quality in the office. All these, and much more, are the benefits of having indoor plants in the office, as per research.

You too have plans to decorate your office interiors with some much-needed greenery, but you are not born with a green thumb. And that’s causing you some concern. Questions regarding the maintenance of the plants, what if the office is closed for several days, and many similar ones are cropping up in your mind.

Well, you need not worry. This article will acquaint you with several low-maintenance indoor plants that will beautify your office interiors. Faux plants will do the job even better.

All you need to do is to evaluate the available space in your office. 

Does it have sufficient natural light? 

Which side does the room face? 

What are the dimensions of the area where you want to place the plants? 

Once you have the answers to these questions, all you need to do is to get hold of the plants. 

Read on to know more about the choices that you have. 

Snake Plants

Among the best indoor plants, snake plants can add a lot of greenery to your office interiors. They come in differently-colored planters that add to the color quotient. Easy to maintain, the snake plants can survive some amount of rough handling as well. Another advantage that a faux snake plant comes with is that it's pet-friendly. Unlike the real one. 


The real stuff is quite a handful when it comes to maintenance. They usually come in nicely colored pots and the stems are flexible, adding a realistic touch to them. The brightly-hued flowers will add a nice dash of cheer to whichever part of the room the plant is kept. And it’s tough to distinguish it from an original one. Yes, that’s how realistic-looking they are.


If your office is in an area where the temperatures range between moderate to bitingly cold for most of the year, it’s tough to maintain a real cactus plant. However, these desert beauties have always captivated you. 

You always wanted to own one or more of them. Go ahead and grab the faux version. Different varieties of the plant are available. Choose one that matches your needs. And the thorns can be quite realistic. So be careful pets and kids, should you bring them to the office!

Aloe Plants

The real aloe plant can work wonders for your skin. While the faux version doesn’t offer this luxury, it can be a wonderful decorative item for your workplace. Usually, between 12 and 15 cm tall, the plants come in sturdy pots and can be placed in any part of the room and even in the central waiting area. 


The real ferns need a tropical and humid environment to survive. But that climate is not available in the area where your workplace is. However, let that not deny you the chance to decorate your office with the faux version of ferns. This classic plant comes in nice-looking wicker baskets. They would add a bright and lush look to your office while going easy on the maintenance part.


These plants are also known as “devil’s ivy,” even though there is nothing remotely devilish about them. They have earned this moniker owing to their resilience. You can hang the beautiful pothos plant from any wall or balcony. Get the plant in a sideways basket that will make the hanging job easier. The pothos plant is suitable for those awkward dark corners or wall nooks.

English Ivy

The English Ivy is counted among the top indoor plants. If the intended space for placing the plant is small, then this beauty would come to your rescue. Available in attractive wicker baskets, these plants can be hung from the ceiling in passageways or the restrooms in your office. The English Ivy is sure to add a nice pop of greenery to your workplace. 

Spider Plants

You can recognize these plants from afar. They come in bright and distinctive green and cream blended colors. These chic plants, even in their faux version, are extremely life-like and come with all the features of the real one, including the distinctive spiderettes. The spider plants come in baskets and are appropriate to be hung in the main reception area of your workplace or above individual workstations.

Chinese Money Plant

It is said that the Chinese Money Plant ensures prosperity and good fortune. Now that is a matter of conjecture. But what’s certain is that these plants can add a lot of beauty to wherever they are. So, reach out for this stunner – placed in nice ceramic pots – and place it on the table, atop desks, or even on the floor in prominent parts of the room. 

The Chinese Money Plant is also known as the pancake plant. And you never know – your bank balance might inflate once you have got hold of this plant. 


An eternal favorite for room décor. And the faux version is as attractive as the natural one. The gorgeous plant is sure to increase the beauty of the room manifolds. And while the natural ones can grow big—close to 180 feet—you can do with the much smaller faux version in an attractive planter and place it in a prominent area of your workplace. And watch your visitors go WOW.

Parlor Palm

Simple, elegant, and classy. That’s the Parlor Palm for you. Place the faux version in any part of your workplace and add a dash of tropical ambiance. Even the darkest parts of the room/building won’t be unsuitable for this plant. The planters are equally eye-catching.

The options are numerous when you are searching for good indoor plants. And the fake versions are easy to maintain. Are you worried about how to clean the indoor plant leaves? Well, rest easy.

All you need is water and a clean cloth to remove dirt and dust particles from the leaves. That would make the plants shine again. And add that much-needed element of color and cheer to your workplace. Do reach out to the relevant service providers to know more about your options.