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focal point landscaping trends

A large garden filled with dozens of plant species is stunning to look at. But if the plants are chosen without thought, the place will look confusing. 

A garden is a planned space whose primary purpose is for display. You need to guide the viewers on where to look. This is where focal point landscaping comes in. We’ve all seen it in action. Every garden has a focal point. But most wouldn’t be able to identify it if asked. Not anymore. Here are the current trends in landscape designing. 

Best focal point landscaping ideas 

1. Add a pop of color

This is a classic and fool-proof way of adding a focal point to your garden. Every garden needs a break from the monotony of chlorophyll. And a bright color is the best way to do it. 

The pop of color can come from another plant like a Dracaena Colorama. This is a red and pink striped leafy plant that will offer the perfect relief from the greenery. Or, the color can come from an object in the garden. For example, a bright wall or furniture. 

2. Use movement to draw attention

Movement is the best way to grab attention. Movement, even in our periphery, catches our eyes. Water fountains are the best movement-related focal point. The flowing water helps you appreciate and relate to the garden even more. 

Wind chimes are another way to bring in the element of movement to your garden. The chimes are also an auditory element. So it grabs even more attention. A single wind chime is usually small. So a row of chimes is more effective, especially if your garden is large. 

3. Shift the attention up 

A plain expanse of land without any crests or falls looks boring. Having a tall element will provide visual relief. You can get tall planters that will blend in with your garden. For a more effective focal point, plant a colorful flower on top of the planter.

You can also use tall screens as a focal point. Like hedges, this will offer you privacy. The vertical element can also be a lone tree that towers over your other plants like a Fiddle Leaf Fig tree

4. Use functional focal points

A focal point doesn’t only have to be decorative. Functionality is key. So why not make your focal point functional? A seating area is the best way to achieve form and function. 

A couple of lawn chairs and a garden table give you a place to look and a place to sit. A lone park bench is another option that won’t take up too much space. 

5. Use objects that “don’t belong” 

Hipster trends are making the rounds and focal point landscaping hasn’t escaped. The idea of ‘decoration’ is very objective and that trend plays to our advantage. A random object, like a wine barrel, though isn’t a natural addition to a garden, is a trendy focal point idea. 

An old, weathered bicycle is another object that can grab attention. Both these objects can also double as planters. 

6. Experiment with unique shapes 

Leaves and trees are relatively uniform in that they’re all green and similar in shape. Having an “out-of-place” shape in your landscape will act as a focal point. Shapes can accent particular areas in a garden, thus getting attention. 

An unusually shaped planter will do the trick. It doesn’t have to be large or colorful. You can also install a garden archway. This will provide an impressive architectural element. 

7. Designate a focal point with texture

Plants are divided into three textures—fine, medium, and coarse. Grasses and small ferns are fine-textured plants, while Aralias are medium-textured. If your garden has one dominating texture, use one of the others for a focal point. 

For example, if you have mostly lawn grass in your garden, accent it with a coarse-textured plant like an Anthurium. 

8. Experiment with unusual plant species

This is another classic focal point idea in a landscape. The plant will strike the perfect balance between being attention-grabbing and blending into the background. 

Small palm trees serve this purpose well. A Yucca Cane plant is another exotic species that you can include in your garden. 

9. Try pathway focal points 

The human eye sees everything in lines. Look at any professional photo. There will be invisible lines pointing you to the subject of the image. Apply the same logic to your focal point landscaping. 

The most natural way to introduce lines in a garden is with pathways. The intersection of two pathways naturally grabs attention. You can also place an object at the intersection to get even more attention. 

Be careful not to overdo it with the focal points. This will defeat its purpose. At the most, you can use two focal points in your garden. So, which two of these nine will you try?